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Шторм на Пхи Пхи 2 (Пи Пи), Тайланд


by Pavel Levinskiy

storm on Phuket - 23/11/13


Robbery in Thai


Accident in Patong (Phuket 20.11.13) - Video


by Parskon Sirichuchot

Пхукет Патонг Хилл - Phuket Patong Hill - 9.11.13


by Phuketandamannews Fanclub by thePhuketnews Class Act Media

One killed in Phuket construction work truck crash


A truck carrying construction workers flipped on a hill on the beach road between Patong and Kamala yesterday, killing one and injuring 12. Kamala Police were notified of the accident at about 5:30pm. By the time they arrived at the scene, traffic police were already there, helping to direct traffic in the long tailbacks building up at the crash site. “We found an Isuzu pickup truck had crashed into a deep drainage ditch, and more than 10 injured people were strewn across the road,” Investigator Navin Petchjan of the Kamala Police said. Kusoldharm Foundation rescue workers and members of the Patong Hospital medical team administered first aid and transferred the 13 injured people to Patong Hospital. One of the eight ethnic Mons injured in the accident, Mr Chad, succumbed to his injuries after having been transferred to the better equipped Vachira Phuket Hospital. Nine Myanmar nationals, including eight ethnic Mons, and four Thais were injured.

Phuket Patong Beach Tsunami Raw Video (2004)


Supercheap Fire Report, Oct 17 - Phuket


Пожар на Пхукете - fire in Phuket


В Таиланде выясняют причины пожара в одном из крупнейших торговых центров на острове Пхукет (глазами 1-го канала )


Справиться с огнем не удавалось больше 17 часов. Столбы дыма и пламени видны были за несколько километров. Пламя перекинулось и на соседние дома, жителей оттуда срочно эвакуировали.

Выжженная земля вместо Супер Чипа (Scorched earth instead of Super Chip)


by Kanwich Phujarunewong

Пожар в супер чипе - 16.10.13


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